How I healed my trauma without reliving my past

I wish I knew this before wasting years in talk therapy...

Published byĀ Linda James,Ā Survivor of trauma, mental healthĀ |
Updated on September 25th, 2024 | šŸ• 4 min | šŸ‘ļø 74,122

I was drowning in pain, and it was tearing me apart from the inside out.

Every day felt like I was fighting against an invisible force that was suffocating me, dragging me down deeper and deeper.

I tried to hold it together, but the truth is, I was barely surviving.

The sleepless nights were just the beginning.

I couldnā€™t remember the last time I woke up feeling rested or at peace.

My heart was always racing, my thoughts spinning out of control.

I felt like a prisoner trapped in my own mind.

Iā€™d lost count of the times I cried in the shower, where no one could hear me, desperate for relief from the relentless anxiety that had taken over my life.Ā 

But the part that haunts me to this day was the way my trauma began to affect my relationship with my daughter.

One evening, after another long day where everything seemed to go wrong, I snapped.

My child, now an older teenager, was asking for my attention, just trying to connect with me, and I lost it.

I yelled at them over something small, something that didnā€™t even matter.

I saw the shock in their eyes, the hurt, and it broke me.

In that moment, I saw myself in themā€”felt the weight of my own unresolved pain crushing down on them.

if I didnā€™t do something, I was going to pass my trauma onto the person I loved most in this world.

That night, I couldnā€™t sleep.

I lay in bed, tormented by the thought that I was failing as a parent, that my own pain was bleeding into my childā€™s life, shaping them in ways I never intended.

I knew I couldnā€™t let that happen.

I had to change, I had to heal, not just for myself, but for them.

But I had exhausted every possible solution...

Therapy sessions that ended in tears...


Medications that left me feeling numb...


And mindfulness apps that seemed to work for everyone but me.

I had even considered giving up, resigning myself to a life of constant struggle.

My therapist had been with me through it all.

She saw how hard I was trying, how desperate I was for relief.

One day, after another session of feeling like I had made no progress, she sat me down and told me about something different.

As much as she wanted to help, she knew I needed more than just talk therapy.

Thatā€™s when she recommended the 30-day Neurotoned program.

At first, I was hesitant.

I had already spent so much time and money on things that didnā€™t work.

But then she told me something that stuck with me:


"This program is designed to rewire your nervous system, to heal the effects of trauma at their root."

Neurotoned works by focusing on the vagus nerve, the bodyā€™s reset button, which is crucialĀ for regulating yourĀ traumaĀ responses.

Thatā€™s when I started doing my own research.

I found countless reviews from people who had gone through the program, and the stories they shared felt so similar to mine.

Women who had lived with anxiety and trauma for years, finally finding relief after just 30 days.

There were so many positive reviews, and people spoke so highly of their experiences, it became an easy decision for me.

And then I saw the 60-day money-back guarantee.

I realized I had nothing to lose.

The first week of the program was eye-opening.


I could feel shifts in my body that I hadnā€™t felt in years.

My sleep started to improve, and the constant tension in my muscles began to ease.

By the second week, I noticed that my anxiety wasnā€™t as overpowering.

I could breathe deeper, think clearer, and I didnā€™t feel as overwhelmed by everyday stressors.

But the real breakthrough came in the third week.

One day, my daughter and I were sitting on the porch, watching the sunsetā€”a rare moment of quiet between us.

For the first time in what felt like forever, I felt calm, present, and truly connected.

We began talking, and I could sense a difference in myself, a patience and openness that hadnā€™t been there before.

SheĀ started sharing their day with me, talking about school, friends, and their dreams for the future.

Instead of being distracted or overwhelmed, I found myself fully engaged, listening with my whole heart.

Then, out of nowhere, she brought up something theyā€™d been struggling withā€”a conflict with a friend that had been bothering them for weeks.

Normally, I would have been too anxious or preoccupied to offer real support.

But this time, I listened, really listened.

I didnā€™t jump in with advice or solutions.

I just let them talk, let them feel heard.

When they finished, I shared a story from my own life, something personal and vulnerable.

I talked about a time when I had been in a similar situation, about the fear and uncertainty I had felt, and how I had eventually worked through it.

I could see the relief in their eyes, the way they felt understood and supported.

It was like a wall that had been between us for so long was finally crumbling.

A few days later, as we were getting ready for bed, sheĀ looked at me - really looked at me - and said:

ā€œMom, I want to be just like you when I grow up.ā€

I couldnā€™t hold back the tears.

In that moment, I realized that all the work I had been doing, all the pain I had faced, was worth it.

The connection we had rebuilt, the trust we had regainedā€”it was everything I had ever wanted as a parent.

I was becoming the person I wanted to be, the person my child could look up to.

By the end of the 30 days, I felt like a new person.

The chains of trauma that had held me back for so long were finally breaking.

I wasnā€™t cured, and I still had work to do, but I finally felt like I had the tools to heal.

For the first time in years, I could see a future where I wasnā€™t defined by my trauma.

If any of this resonates with you, if youā€™ve been living with the silent agony of trauma and a dysregulated nervous system, I urge you to give Neurotoned a try.

Itā€™s more than just a program.

It's a way to finally break free from the chains that have been holding you back.

And with the 60-day money-back guarantee, thereā€™s no risk.

Take control of your life today.

Click the link below to learn more about how Neurotoned can help you heal from the inside out and start living the life you deserve.


Release Decades Of Stored Trauma With Neurotoned

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  • 30+ expert-guided exercises that help heal your nervous system
  • Backed by leading somatic therapists and scientific research
  • Empathetic, trauma-informed approach to healing
  • Real relief from the effects trauma
  • Money-back guarantee if you don't experience results
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What To Expect From The Neurotoned Program

On the first step of the journey, Iā€™ll provide seven exercises that I designed to calm the nervous system. These exercises will help activate the parasympathetic nervous system through the vagus nerve and achieve inner peace and safety.

Exercises include:

  • Rainbow orientingā€“Learning to turn the head back and forth, using the brain stem (which engages to look for danger) to send signals of safety to the brain. Turning your head side to side, youā€™ll notice three red things, three orange things, three yellow things, and so on. This visual acknowledgment, coupled with the utilization of the brain stem, takes your feelings of safety to the next level.
  • Haveningā€“A technique that incorporates all the senses to invoke a feeling of calm. You begin with something simple like rubbing your arms up and down, then visualizing yourself on a staircase, rolling your eyes in a circle, humming a simple tune, and soothing your body with gentle strokes. This technique incorporates the senses to bring your body a feeling of calm and security.
  • Progressive relaxationā€“A technique that focuses on tensing and releasing your bodyā€™s muscles, one by one, to promote complete body relief. For example, you begin by clenching your toes for five seconds, then releasing them. Next, youā€™ll move to your calves: tense them for five seconds and release. Continue up your body, tensing and releasing all your muscle groups to summon a powerful relaxation.

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Why Neurotoned?


šŸ’› Holistic Healing, No Rehashing Trauma: Embrace an approach that heals both body and mind without revisiting past traumas. Experience real, lasting relief and well-being without reliving painful memories.


šŸ’› Comfortable, Self-Paced Healing: No more rushing to appointments or feeling out of place. With Neuro Monthly, you can heal at your own pace, right from the comfort of your home. Your journey, your rules.


šŸ’› Guided Healing from Top Experts: Benefit from the wisdom of world-renowned somatic therapists. They guide you step-by-step, ensuring you have support every inch of the way.


šŸ’› Daily Actionable Gems: Forget endless YouTube searches. We deliver fresh, actionable content to your inbox every day, making your healing journey straightforward and stress-free.


šŸ’› Loved by Over 10,000 Members: Join a thriving community where 61% report reduced anxiety within the first day, and 72% experience better sleep within the first week. Your transformation starts here.


šŸ’› The Body Keeps The Score: Engage in powerful exercises that work directly with your body, helping you heal without the need to relive traumatic experiences. Feel the change from the inside out.


šŸ’› Lifetime Access and Updates: Your journey doesnā€™t end here. Your purchase today comes with lifetime access to Neuro Monthly, including all future updates. Grow and heal with us, forever.


šŸ’› Quick and Effective Healing: Only have a few minutes? No problem. Our program is designed for the busiest schedules, offering profound healing in as little as 10 minutes a day.


šŸ’› 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee: We believe in the power of Neuro Monthly, and we want you to feel the same. If it doesn't work for you, simply email us within 60 days for a full refund. No questions asked.


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